Korean Cultural Heritage Festival | 卡加利韓國祖裔文化節

As 2023 marks Canada’s 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea, the Korean community in Calgary celebrates by hosting the Korean Cultural Heritage Festival 2023 on May 21 (5-8 p.m.) at Bella Concert Hall, Mount Royal University.

Calgary Korean Women’s Association has been serving the Korean community and other communities in the Calgary area for almost 20 years. They are a non-profit organization aims to empower women in the community by offering programs and activities that help them develop their personal and professional lives. 

For ticket information, please visit this link.

[ 社區活動 ] 二零二三年是加拿大與南韓建交六十週年,卡加利韓國婦女協會藉此在亞裔文化月舉辦韓國祖裔文化節。


韓國文化祖裔節於二零二三年五月廿一日 (5 – 8 p.m.) 於皇家山大學貝拉音樂廳 (Bella Concert Hall) 舉行,門票每張加幣十元整。購票網站

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